In the afternoon of the Symposium, T-Systems Hungary, its main clients and the companies of its partnership ecosystem will be waiting you with lectures by specialists in 12 thematic sessions. This year the individual sessions will focus on solutions that determine corporate competitiveness and operational efficiency, but the technological achievements of T-Systems Hungary and its partners will also be presented in relation to the individual megatrends.
Learn more about our sessions!


Analitics Session

In the Analytics session of Symposium 2014, our invited guests can expect lectures which will guide them to roads that lead to the most efficient utilisation of information from the data generated by a company.
Interview with line director Sanjay Gupta (Business Intelligence and Information Management Solutions)
What technological trends do you experience in your specialisation? What will the future bring?

Let us take the trends that generally determine ICT as a starting point. Usually, four major driving forces are mentioned in this respect, however, these are not only not independent, actually, they strongly influence one another. These four forces include community solutions, mobility, analytics and cloud-based IT, or in a concise format “SMAC”, a word coined as an acronym from the initials of the English terms.
One can say that analytics, my specialisation is the area where the other three overlap. The analysis of the enormous amount of data generated by mobile devices, shared via community solutions and stored in the cloud, and the subsequent feedback of the results represents the crowning of cooperation between these areas. The information that can be extracted from these data gives us a far more comprehensive understanding of the way the world actually works, and consequently, we can adopt considerably more relevant decisions. In this field the most important trends are caused by the circumstances changed by SMAC. In addition to being different in nature, the data we must analyse is also considerably larger in volume, and the analysis frequently requires the adoption of new models, while the cycle times of data use shorten. All this means that the traditional data analysis tools (e.g. data warehouses) are of limited application. Under the Classic BI historical data are analysed and conclusions are drawn from them for the future. Nowadays, however, decisions increasingly expected to be adopted real-time and automatically – without human assistance –, on the basis of the data of the present. The “Big Data” technologies, so often mentioned nowadays, are aimed at managing these expectations. 
How can a large corporation like T-Systems Hungary prepare in anticipation of such trend-like changes?

On the one hand, we constantly monitor the trends, and seek solutions and good practices in Hungary and abroad. On the other, we launch innovation projects in order to be able to embrace the new technologies as quickly and smoothly as possible.
What solutions can be used in analytics to optimise the operation of a company or an institution?

In addition to operative considerations, a company’s efficiency depends on the quality of the adopted business and strategic decisions. Our responsibility is to improve the latter and make it them more predictable. In other words: we optimise corporate data use and data management. We identify ways, processes, methods and means of extracting the maximum information from the available data. Meanwhile, occasionally we must leave the beaten track and try new things that have never been tried by anyone. But instead of being discouraged by this, we consider it as a challenge. Once we “pick up” on a particular problem we either find a solution or develop one on our own.




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