Let’s shape the future together!
T-Systems Hungary Symposium 2015
On November 25, 2015 T-Systems Hungary organizes the Symposium for the fourth time in the Budapest Congress Centre with almost 2000 registered guest. The Symposium, regarded as the biggest whole-day professional event of the industry will present the expected actual and future technological challenges that companies and institutions have to face in the future.
Kerstin Günther, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Magyar Telekom outlined in her presentation: the info-communication infrastructure is the basis of our digital lives that will be more and more important due to the exponentially increasing amount of data traffic. Simple devices have evolved into a complex ecosystem of smart devices, ranging from smart phones through smart homes up to autonomous cars and require almost as fast internet connection as the speed of tactile stimuli. Kerstin Günther added: the Digital Hungary program, where Magyar Telekom plays an active role, also recognized the importance of network development.
Christopher Mattheisen, Magyar Telekom’s CEO, worded his message as follows: in relation to the Digital Hungary program and the InternetKon we envisage an encouraging future vision. Besides network development we also have to focus on the development of digital competences where the digitalization of education plays a key role. Christopher Mattheisen added: there is a significant shortage of Hungarian IT professionals on the labor market in spite that IT is of key importance in the development of the digital economy with very attractive career opportunities. Recognizing this demand Magyar Telekom and T-Systems Hungary launches the Become an IT expert! program that presents the versatile, complex and exciting world of IT to primary and secondary school students thereby making the industry more effective for the young generation. The program, which is established with close collaboration with the Association of IT, Telco and Electronics Companies (IVSZ), will be open to other players of the industry in the future, is run by volunteers who give career orientation lessons at schools – announced Christopher Mattheisen.
Nándor Csepreghy, Deputy Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office, emphasized that the Hungarian Government did its homework and by way of promulgating Gov. Decree 1631/2014. XI.6 launched the Digital Nation Development Program that will offer broadband internet access in the entire territory of Hungary two years prior to the deadline specified in the European guidelines, i.e. until 2018. However, this total coverage in not enough to close the digital divide in Hungary, we also need higher than 30Mbps bandwidth and remarkable penetration - added Nándor Csepreghy who believes that the program will only be successful if 50% of households will have access to at least 100Mbps internet connection by 2020.
Tibor Rékasi, T-Systems Hungary’s CEO, explained in his presentation: the changes of technology are capable to outdate entire business models within a very short time. This disruption, or in other word paradigm change, is inevitable and no company or organization is immune to it therefore it is best to assess new opportunities in this changing world. Tibor Rékasi pointed out: paradigm-shifting technologies take concrete shape on the basis of bottom-up ideas and usually make the life of a big community - like city life - smoother and easier. He took the example of drone technology the application of which may present a real breakthrough in certain industries (e.g. agriculture).
Éva Somorjai, Magyar Telekom’s Chief Human Resources Officer outlined in her presentation that the expectations and work attitude of the new generation that just entered the labor market are basically different from that of the earlier generations. Managers have to take into account these viewpoints: instead of a sharp separation of work and private life one has to find a way to integrate them while supporting remote work that can not only be performed from home but from any other place as well that is inspiring for the given employee. The Chief Officer also added that for future employees it will be more and more important - besides salaries and the work environment - that the given employer thinks and acts sustainably in its everyday operation. Partly due to the recognition of this fact Telekom Group decided to become a green company and neutralize emission levels, in other words becomes a fully carbon neutral company. “We are very proud that thanks to the ambitious efforts for sustainability our company and our services to our customers have become fully carbon neutral and with that achievement we are ahead of the biggest global telecommunication companies of the world - added Éva Somorjai.
The presenters of the plenary morning session of the Symposium included Brad Templeton, Singularity University’s expert, who gave a presentation on Moore’s law on disruptive technologies and Albert-László Barabási, professor of the Harvard University. The presenters also included Michael Ganser, Cisco Systems’ Central-European Vice-President and Gábor Gonda, HP Hungary’s managing director.
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