Digital city / traffic Session
The inhabitants of cities perceive the infrastructural changes as cities are becoming “smart”. The living standards are improving, the available services are getting more extensive and advanced.
This is the basic principle behind the digital developments and this section is scrutinizing the issues related to this process. We plan to present you the basic component of the integration node; the Basic Urban System. This basic system makes an integral unit of the separate components like intelligent street lights, public traffic, smart kiosks, “urban smart data market”, city card. The citizens may meet all these components making a city tangibly smart in the everyday life.
The presentations include the City Operating System and the control center built on it. City life needs to be sustainable and enjoyable so we are going to have presentation on this topic too. Our experts will show you that we can achieve dramatically good results in cost efficiency and sustainability by intelligent energy management systems and connected sub-systems utilizing and storing alternative energies combined with energy saving devices. A city can become “smart” if it becomes “green” at the same time. It impacts the ability of a town to keep its habitants and attract investors. Come with us and get acquainted with digital cities!