Sessions at Symposium 2015

The Symposium’s afternoon programme will include 10 thematic breakout sessions where the experts of T-Systems Hungary and it’s partner companies will deliver theme-based presentations. Each thematic breakout session will focus on solutions that determine the competitiveness and operational efficiency of a company. During the sessions the key technological trends of the present and future will also be showcased.

Communication and Mobility session

With our communication becoming increasingly mobile, serious expectations are being associated to it: communication platforms are expected to be easy to use, fast and safe. They should support cooperation with colleagues and partners, while should not be strongly platform-dependent. Whereas two decades ago business functionalities migrated from large machine systems to the world of PCs and a decade ago from PC clients to the Internet, the challenge of our days is to safely and efficiently occupy the exploding market of mobile devices for the business and non-business segments. The buzzwords for this process are safety, efficiency, manageability and novelty. Details

Cloud session

A few years ago the dilemma between public and private cloud and the required own infrastructure seemed irresolvable. The solution is the hybrid cloud. 
Based on first-hand corporate customer experiences, in our session we mainly analyse the problems and issues we have to consider for the evaluation of cloud-based systems. We also address how the public sector uses the cloud, and what the newest tender opportunities for the support of cloud use are. What does or does not work in the field of cloud, what are the future directions, what are the potential benefits and pitfalls? Lecturers of our session will provide answers for all these questions. Details

M2M, IOT session

According to the analysts the Internet of Things will radically change our world: both the operation of companies and the everyday life of the population. Rapid growth of the number of sensors and devices participating in the interaction, and the parallel technological development (Cloud, SaaS, BI, BigData) allows an increasingly accurate mapping of the reality, based on measured data. This renews the business, the production and the marketing, and it significantly reduces the losses in the field of production. IOT section of T-Systems Magyarország introduces the related strategy and service portfolio of the company, the challenges of the IOT projects and the available capabilities to resolve them.  Details

State and Public Administration session

The Digital National Development Programme brings a qualitative leap to the opportunities of citizens and enterprises to access to electronic services. Parallel to this, a new generation is emerging, for which electronic administration is not only self-evident but they expect to have the opportunity to arrange their public administrative affairs electronically.  Since the improvement of institutional capacities and the establishment of an efficient public administration is a priority of the European Union for the period between 2014 and 2020, public administration and the infocommunications sector are now facing a joint challenge: how can they jointly provide efficient and convenient e-adminstrative solutions for the broadest possible scope of administrative tasks? In the public administration section we will seek answers to this extremely complex question. Details

Transportation session

During the first phase of the modernisation process of community transportation companies T-Systems implemented a huge number of large projects, including a modern passenger information system, traffic planning and accounting, as well as the community bicycle system as a new community transportation solution. The second phase of the modernisation is now ahead of us, where – due to the future market opening – emphasis will have to be shifted towards the more integrated, passenger-friendly and automated community transportation services. Our Transport section gives an insight to the opportunities offered in the second phase of modernization.  Details

Managed and secured session

To which group do you belong? To the one that becomes aware of the events in time, or to the one, which is not aware of the incident even after it happened? To the one that  has already calculated the loss caused by a half-day downtime, or to the one that has already been suffering its consequences? To the one that considers the continuity of the service already during the formulation of the needs, or to the one that thinks that managed and secured are unnecessary burdens? To the one that is aware of the risks, or to the one that trusts in luck? Details

Financial Institutions session

In the Financial Institutions section we introduce – with the help of a virtual bank branch office – how 21st century technologies can redeem and complement today’s conventional customer service and bank operation processes. We also reveal what digital solutions T-Systems Hungary – as an innovation and transformation partner – may use to support financial institutions in order to implement a faster and more efficient customer-oriented service and operation model.  Details

Healthcare session

One of the most important challenges the healthcare sector has to face throughout Europe is the establishment of interoperability of and cooperation between the healthcare information systems. In addition, besides the best possible usability of the generated healthcare and economic data the highest information technology safety must also be considered. In our healthcare section we introduce central and local information technology solutions and innovative opportunities and tools improving the efficiency and quality of the healthcare services by interconnecting all players of the healthcare sector, and making possible significant cost savings. Details

Next Generation BI session

Infocommunications technology is developing at a fast pace. Part of this development is obvious even for ordinary people, as they see their smart phones becoming smarter and their daily tasks or entertainment are becoming increasingly based on digital channels. Other aspects of the development are less evident and are mainly dealt with by the experts of large companies and institutions, however the results have indirect impact on all of us. Just think about the consequences of so popular sharing in the social spaces for the everyday consumer without the smart background algorithms that filter and classify this enormous mass of information. Details

Digital City session

At last year’s Symposium huge interest was shown towards the digital solutions. These are the solutions that make the life of the cities smoother and more efficient. Since then, urban development strategies for cities have been prepared and resources of the new EU financing cycle have been opened.
T-Systems Hungary explored the urban needs and concepts related to the topic in a deep research. In our digital city breakout session we compare these needs and concepts with the possibilities and resources, and of course we also give a summary of the development of our Digital City portfolio. Details

Symposium 2015 summary video

Calendar entry

Event location

Budapest Congress Center, 1124, Budapest, Jagelló Street 1-3.
1124, Budapest, Jagelló Street 1-3. Contact

Event Partners

Diamond level partner


Emphasized technological partner


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Silver level partners

Intel Security

Collaborator partners

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Com-Forth Kft.









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